The Sunny Spot
Birthday |
12th Oct |
Age |
Favourite Color |
blue |
Hobbies |
(too) many ... some of them are listed down here |

Linux user since Sep 1993, before I've experienced the
unprotected world
of DOS (yeah, the old Disk Operating System) and Windo
ze 3.x (the DOS
By the way, computer science isn't my only interest, actually I keep growing
and blooming a lot of "green" stuff (plants) on my home terrace (mainly
A new section of TSS was opened just for my
green thumb.
I love arts and, when I've some spare time and I'm not programming,
I'm used spending it in
drawing and painting CG (Computer Graphic).
One of my first interest was in
Palaeontology and fossiles, ancient creatures
lived millions of years ago. I've started studying an collepting them since I
was 10 years old.
Anime and Manga are a consequence of my passion for arts combined with
literature. Yes, literature and Japanese comics aren't separate worlds! Just
give a look into the TSS section related to
Anime and Manga.
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